100% Safe Ordering
Our e-commerce partner, Plimus, will handle your order. Your information will stay absolutely safe, private, and secure guaranteed!
Real Time Delivery
You'll get the activation code right after you place an order.
Privacy Guaranteed
We never share your personal information with anyone.
Speedy Support
You'll get our help in 24 hours by sending email to
or posting message to our support forum
  Order Premium Membership

3-Months Premium  Membership $12.95
6-Months Premium  Membership + Pro version $19.95


1-Year Premium Membership + Pro version $36.95
-> $29.95

Premium Account Features
Resizable game window and full screen mode
Customize your personal avatar
Access to all pool rooms
Private talk in games or post public messages in the lobby
Prized tournaments and league
No limitation on rate points
New balls, tables and rooms
Special Offer: You'll get the Pro version for free if order 6-months or 1-Year membership for one time. With the Pro version, you can play against the computer opponent with different levels and customize scenes, cues and ball sets.
 If you would like to make payment for an order by telephone, simply fill out the Order Form as you normally would and select "Phone" on the "Payment Method" section, this will provide you with the phone number you need to use to call in your payment information.

Plimus company information for your records can be found below:
Mailing Address:
3830 Valley Center Dr. Suite 705-294
San Diego, CA 92130



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